Vendor count SMC 2024 passing the 100 line

SMC keeps surprising even us as organisers.
Monday January 15th we sent the newsletter inviting the vendors for SMC 2024.
Usually we start two months earlier, about a month or so after the previous SMC. We thought it was a smart plan to take kind of a break this time around, hence we started only recently.
Much to our surprise, the mailbox was flooded with registrations forms just minutes after the newsletter went out, and this went on all day on Monday and Tuesday. And although it slowed down a bit, this continued until this day (Friday 19th).
Long story short, we are now at the point that we have 110 registrations which means we are nearing the stage that we are fully booked.
In 2023 there were 135 registered stands, and if you consider that, maybe you can understand that we are completely amazed by this. To put it into perspective: previously it took roughly 4 months to reacht that number, and now we reached is less than 5 days.
And the mix is awesome already: great names for all sections of our hobby that you could already find at SMC. And some of those vendors have aoberlready informed us that they will come with stunning new releases.
We’re excited. Hopefully you are too.
See you in October!