Hi there,
We have prepared the basic information about Scale Model Challenge 2017, and the webpages are partly online now. Meanwhile we are steadily working on the remaining web pages. Invites to vendors will go out before too long, but clubs will have to wait a bit before we can start their registration. We are also working hard on a rather big overhaul for SMC. The contest area will be larger and the clubs area will be smaller. SMC 2017 will also have a refurbished vendor area.
Also under constryction is the SMC contest: some new classes will be added and some will be deleted. One sneak preview: we will introduce a highly commended award in addition to the usual bronze, silver and gold medals.
One more thing, the hotel room registration at NH Eindhoven is already available, so make sure to book your rooms in time.
Anyway, there´s a lot to look forward to and we hope to see you all at SMC 2017. which will be held , like all SMC´s ’s from now on in the third weekend of October.
SMC 2017 Saturday 21st, and Sunday 22nd October 2017.
Be there and make the difference!